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FAR 2023/15 Characterisation and CPUE for the gemfish fishery in SKI 1 and SKI 2 from 1990 to 2022
AEBR 305 Spatial-temporal distribution of inshore fish and cephalopod species of interest to selected top predators
AEBR 301 Role of low- and mid-trophic level fish in the Hauraki Gulf ecosystem
EH_CTO2022021 (update CTOPlantsDir:20180008)
Evaluation of mānuka tolerance to several post-plant herbicide treatments in a field setting
Risk-based fungicide management for myrtle rust in nurseries
FAR 2022/61 Investigating methods to quantify bycatch and oyster discards from the Foveaux Strait oyster fishery (OYU 5) for IEMRS reporting: summaries of bycatch and oysters sampled from commercial fishery areas in February 2020
FAR 2022/60 Commercial catch sampling programme for highly migratory species in 2017–18, 2018–19, and 2019–20
The factors influencing farmers' decisions to plant trees
27_CTOPlantsDir2020074 - Alternative measure for import of Vaccinium cuttings
PP_CTO2021066 CTO Equivalence Decision: Equivalence for the use of Nicotiana occidentalis as an indicator plant in the herbaceous indexing of Actinidia species at XXX
AEBR 294 Best management practice guidelines for salmon farms in the Marlborough Sounds
PP_CTO2021066 CTO Equivalence Decision: Equivalence for the use of Nicotiana occidentalis as an indicator plant in the herbaceous indexing of Actinidia species
CTO Plants: 2019 029 Biosecurity clearance of non-compliant consignments
CTOPlantDir:2019022 Testing on-shore for Beta vulgaris seed
CTOPlantsDir2019021 <Equivalent measures for Xanthomonas campestris pv.undulosa and Pseudomonas syringae pv. striafaciens >